Page 72 - YB1936
P. 72
JOSEPH ELCAINEY PILSON BETA BETA BETA; Officus' Club; R. 0 T. C Firs/ Lieu/oIIG"/. Company "8"; [nlra-Mural Track 'Cockey" . a home boy that has made good .. went to R. O. T. C, camp-came back with a new nickname has·convictionsand sticks to them runs the half-mile in fast Lime lakes study seriously DONALD HARRISON PRINCE [ Li/crarN Socicly.l.1. 3. PrcsiJ..,13; Clo, Club. 3. 4; College Choir. 1.1. 3. 4; y, M. c A. /,1.3.4; Sunday School. f. 2. 3, 4; Normw/ Speech Conles/anl.!.2 - 'Don" a "burner of the midnight oil" an orator. singer, and actor or no "mean" abilit.y has steered clearofco-eds on the Hill interested in music. politics. and life in general 66
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