Page 124 - YB1936
P. 124
Campbell g~iTlJ a jew yurds- Unil'",si/y oj Norlh Da~ola Gam. Campbell was placed at a halfback post along with Ellinger and Guckey- son of Maryland and Apichella of Mount Saint Mary's. During the season the Terrors won six games and lost five. They amassed 134 points in scoring while limiting opposition to 89. "Cliff" Lathrop led the Terror scorers with 30 points, and "Stan" Benjamin was. runnerup with 24. The young team gained valuable experience as the season progressed, and "Charley" Havens deserves lots of credit for the good showing he made in his initial year at the helm. Although the per- centage of games won and lost is only slightly over the .55 mark, "Charley" Havens and Western Maryland can safely call 1935 a successful season. One of the largest freshman football squads of recent years functioned on the gridiron for Western Maryland this year. The squad, numbering two complete teams and a few men over, showed excellent promise in the few games in which it did participate. Five games were scheduled for the yearlings. In the first two con- tests the Baby Terrors won easy victories. Then as the competition grew more difficult. they found it harder to push over touchdowns and tied two of their last three games. The other one they dropped by a one touchdown margin. The Fresh opened the season against Dickinson Seminary, meeting the Pennsylvanians in their own bailiwick. A few bumps and injuries. here and there for the first year men, but they came home with Dickin- son's scalp. The score was 13 to o. The next game was a mere "breather." The Baltimore Fireraer, came to Westminster for their battle with the Terror yearlings. The final score of 19 to 0 does not begin to tell the account of the game. The fresh toyed with their opponents, giving them breaks and opportunities as they would not have done against top-notch opposition. Every man 118
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