Page 123 - YB1936
P. 123
The Hill-toppers last whipped a Westminster team in 1932 by a 12 to 6 December 7, and the day everyone waited for. The opponent. Maryland. The two teams were to meet in the Stadium to decide the football title of the state. The T erps had generously agreed to turn over their entire gate receipts to Western Maryland for the new field house. Maryland had a powerhouse team this season. A team of large, rangy veterans. They had won six games. tied two, and lost two prior to the meeting with the Green and Gold. Only the juggernaut of North Carolina and the Hoosiers from Indiana had taken "Jack" Faber's men. "Charley's" men were the under-dogs, but hope ran high on the Hill. In the first half the Terrors led by a score of 7 to O. Campbell, fading back to his own 35 yard line, tossed the pigskin 55 yards to the waiting "Stan" Benjamin, and the agile end easily eluded pursuers as he dashed ten yards to score. But in the second half the Terps got busy. "Bill" Guckeyson. "Charley" Ellinger, Coleman Headley, and John Gormley led the running and passing attack on the Terrors. They ran up three touchdowns, one field goal. and one extra point. When the final whistle blew, the score was Maryland 22, Western Maryland 7, and the state title went to the College Parkers. When the All-Maryland selections were announced, there were four Terrors picked on the first team and several more on the second. Louis Lassahn was rewarded for his consistent play over the entire season and was given one wing berth, while "Lou" Ennis of Maryland nosed out the sensational Benjamin for the other. Captain "Nick" Carnpofreda was named for a tackle position. The center berth went to "Bill" Rieth, who played a fine game for Havens all year. And in the backfield Leroy Dropu mo~u a long rUn in Ihe Boston Gom" 117
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