Page 129 - YB1936
P. 129
"Tom" Ponrecorvo, lnterccllegiate champion. was ready to swing his deadly right another year for the Green and Gold Several new men were groomed to fill the places that were open. Paul Brengle. John Reifsnider, and William Skeen divided the assign- ments in the 125 pound class. Each of the former two fought one fight, and Skeen represented the college in three dual meets and the Inter- collegiates. Clayton Gompf opened the season as the 135 pounder, John Warman finished it, and Franklin Crowe went to the lnterccl- legiates. "Bill" Willoughby fought most of the season in the ISS pound division and then gave his place as the Intercollegiate representative to George Spiegel. The 165 pound class was handled by Clinton Walker the entire season. except for the Penn State meet The Terrors opened the season by meeting Penn State in a dual meet at the latter's home floor. The Nittany Lions copped a 6 to 2 decision, winning five bouts and getting two draws. "Bob" Bennett did not fight against his foe. "Russ" Criswell. because of injury. His place was taken by Goldberg, who was no match for the Penn State captain. Brengle showed up we1l in his fight with R. Donato. although he dropped the bout to the Pennsylvanian. Frank Goodman, conqueror of "Art" McGivern in 1935. won by a technical knockout from Gompf. Haynes managed to get a draw with his man for the first Terror score, but Walker. who fought in the 155 pound class, lost to S. Donato. and Ritzie beat Skinner so I:adly that the latter was forced to have the towel thrown in to save him from needless punishment. Ortenzi defeated Sawchak by decision. and Pontecorvo drew with Richter. After this fight the Terrors journeyed to Annapolis and accom- plished the wonderful feat of not losing to a Navy team on its own 1100r. The score was 4 to 4. "Bob" Bennett, "Clint" Walker, "Tony" Ortenzi. and "Nick" Campofreda won their fights. The last named. fighting his first bout. knocked out the mammoth Midshipman, Lewis Tamney, in 30 seconds of the opening round. After the Navy fights Campcfreda retired undefeated A strong Catholic University team was the third foe of the Terror J mittmen, and the Cardinals had no difficulty in winning by a 6Vz to Vl score. Goldberg accounted for the half tally when he gained a draw, and Firsl Raw L Graham. &ndcr, Dooley. Fagan. Grimsey Rea' Row Coach Keyser. Hansen, Oleair. McClelland. Mgr. Insley 123
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