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some service the preceeding season "Podge" Graham. "Tom" Ponte- corvo. "Augie" Roberts, and "Hinkie" Haynes. seniors. might develop in their last year. And to top it off, the sophomore material which Havens had at his command was very promising. This year the Terrors were forced to play the most difficult schedule any Western Maryland team has ever faced. Only two "breathers" had been booked. while the other nine opponents loomed formidable indeed. When the season opened against Shenandoah, the sophomores showing LOUIS LASSAHN, End unusual promise were "Stan" Benjamin. end; "Puffy" Forthman, NICK CAMPOFREDA tackle: "Tony" Ortenzi and "Ed" McPherson, guards; "Bill" Rieth, BI LL REITH., To<~I. center; and "Jim" Brennan. Leroy Campbell, Frank Sadowski. and LEROY CAMPBELL 80<* "Ken" Adriance, backs. The first game was with Shenandoah. the teams meeting on Hoffa Field. The Virginians had been reported to be a weak team, but they brought a likely looking squad to Westminster. Soon after the game started it was evident that Shenandoah had been badly overmatched. Coach Havens used the opportunity to play his entire squad as the Terrors smothered their opponents 47 to 0. 'Cliff" Lathrop scored three touchdowns against the Virginians and Adriance rang up a pair. Long runs were common, as Lathrop. Campbell. and "Butch" Moore ran through the visitors. the latter making an 80 yard sprint for a touchdown in the second half. The following week the Terrors travelled to Philadelphia to en- counter a strong Villanova squad. The Wildcats had two early season LIPSKI, Am'slanl Coock victories over Ursinus and P. M. C. and were out for their third con- FERGUSON, As~i.tonl Caac!' DOUGHTY. Au/.stanl Caac!' secutive triumph. They got it. defeating the Terrors 20 to 0, but only after the determined Terrors had outplayed them for most of the game. Two long runs. one by "Nick" Kctys and the other by "Dave" Stopper. led to the Terrors' downfall. Kctys added another tally in the last quarter to end the scoring. The Terrors constantly threatened, with
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