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WILLIAM GRIFFITH PYLES I'B X His!ory-ET/£Ii.h Hancock. Maryland Hancock High School Gamma Bola Chi. Seadary 4. Pr.sidonl~: Inlor-Fra/orm'ly Council. Vi'o,Cha;rman 3. Chairman 4; "Aloha." Juniar EdUor 3. Wrile-up Ednor 4; Gold Bug Report"' I. 2. Copy Edilar 3. Associate Edilor ~; Literory Sociely I. 2; Inlerna/ianal Relotions C[lIb ~ This accentuated member of our Class was neither born in jolly old England. nor has he yet been abroad: bU[. to the envy of many of us. he has acquired gentlernan of the world_ "Doc"cametocollegeroacquire that education which comesafter and betweenclasse~. and we believe that he has gotten more out of his four years on "The Hill" than most of us. "Bill" is a somewhat eccom- plished wrirer. and his pen has been ever ready to dash offa news article. a satire. or an editorial for the campus pcblicerions. "Bill" enjoys the finer things of life. and we hope he realizes an opporrunity later to enjoy them to the fullestextem, What a delicious opportunity I Eighty_Nine
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