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HELEN ELIZABETH DOROTHY DOENGES ,1'1\ !II Engbh-Frcnch-Hislory Cambridge,Maryland Cambridge High School Phi Alpha Mu, Vice-Prosidenl 3, Prw· 4; As,Ocial. Edilor of lh. Torch 3; Editor 4; lnlu-Ct.,b Coundl J. Vhc- 4; "Aloha" Aui.lonl Bu~in.s$ Mana~"; Co/l.~. Sunday School I, ~; Philomalh.of) Li/orary Sodety I. 2. 3; Var.ily Dchaling Toam. AI/ernale J; Le Cerci. FraMai, 4; MoyCourlf.2.3. 4:Clo" AIMoue. 1,2 Ol'lll'sidea of a typical American Girl-that's Helen. Her ready smile and customary light_heartednessare gifts of ~hisattractiveSenior. Ordinarily. Helen seems to have an Inexhaustible fund of spontaneous fun stored up to tide her over the "blue-times:' Her hobbies are laughing. talking, and walking. but she doestake collegeseriouslywhen neces- ~~ri~~nt~;~oi:v:r~~:sk~tu1;~~r ;epu7:r~t:~Ii:S p~:;~:: teacher is any indication of her success, we say that her smile and winning ways will carry her far
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