Page 53 - YB1933
P. 53
LLOYD MARTIN ELDERDICE £conomic.-Hi.lory Westminster. Maryland Westminster High School Choir 2; a« Club.- j ••lm I. 2; R. O. T. C. Band I. 2.- Boxing 2. Many have been the times rher we have star red cut on a trek down-town and have suddenly heard behind us the screech and groan of the brakes on Lloyd's "Chevy:' as he stopped to give uSthe ever-welcomelift. LlcydIs cne of those fellowswhom all of uSshould know better. for there is a depth of real character in his friendship. His being a day studenrhas kept some of us from this pleasure. Thoseof us who accompanied the Jesters on their tour in '31 will recall the wit and humor that wasdisplayecl by this class- mate of ours. Those of us who have sat in the same class with Lloyd. have found that he is as much a student as he is a regular fellow. Lest we forget, we do not call him Lloyd. for his nickname to all of us is just plain "Dice"
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