Page 47 - YB1933
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BARBARA STOEK DASKAM 6.~K Home EconomiCl-High School &iM'~3-Hislory Chevy Chase. Maryland Bethesda_Chevy Chase High School Ddla Siima Kappa, Secrelary 3, Chaplain ~; Inler,Club Council 3; Edilor Ih_ Jug 4; "Aloha," Colondor Edilor; Y. W. C A. I, 2. .3 4; Col/.j. Sunday S,hoo/2. 4; PMlo_ malh"an Literary Sociely I. 2, 3; Hom. Economi" Club 1.2. ,3 4; Inl.rnalional Rdolion. Club {- Choir 4; W. A. A 1,2. ,3, 4; L.llor"M;" ClauAIh/eliC3/,2,3. 4; ,-110najOF Cia" BQs~elbal/ 2,' Manoger Class Hock.y 4; Vars/I" Baskelball4. We often wonder how many Freshmen last rail took "Bobbe" for one of them. Her enthusiasms and her curly "bob" alike would have inclined them to welcome her as a "Freshie;" but these two characteristics have been retained by "Bcbbe" through four years of Western Mary- land. though according toall reports, she has often tried to tame them both in order to achieve her life-time ambition of being sophisticated. Never mind, "Bobbe." if you're not slinky and exotic, you're the best of pals and you bring a cheerful note wherever you appear, from the basketball court to the Home Economics Club. One who gives "Bcbbe" a first glance is satisfied not to demand brains. but the intellect is there ina good measure, along with the good sense to use it on occasion
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