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HAZEL JUNE COOLlNG English-Music Barton, Maryland Barton High School Y. W. C. A. I, 2. 3, ~; Browning Li/erory Society t, 2; Phila_Brawning Literary Soddy 3. 4; Choir 2. 3. 4; Glee Cluh I. 2. 3. 4; Varis/y n.6aling 4; Sponsor Company "B"' 4; W. A. A. t. 2. 3, TrMllmr4; Closs A/hiolhsl. 2, 3. 4; Varsily Basl{elhall2. 3; Captain Clas. Baske/haIl3. Here's to the demundooking inspiration of the fOOlbal1 learn! A guileless face framed in linle yellow "duck- tails,"blueeyes.aninsignificantnose.and her un-self- conscious cuteness make June irresistible when she comes flattering, confiding. and telling her long tales. or giving advice. ShecanstraightenoutanydiAiculty.fromaruined dress loa perverse aJ!oire JecQeur. June is such a very feminine person that her successas an athlete has surprised us. And she is a pianist. Count the times she has made music for us to dance byl Student duties rest lightly on her slender shoulders, and she is always singing around the "dorm" halls with a scft, preny voice we have learned to recognize and enjoy.
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