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FRANCES LEONELL CHEYNEY Englisk-French Ballston, Virginia Central High School. Washington. D. C. George Washington University Y. W. C A, 3, Cabinet 4; C6/lege SundaiJ School 3, 4; L. Cerci. Francais 3. Treasurer.J; German Club~: BrDwning Literary 3; Philo-Browm'ng Literary Sociely ~: Sha~e5peQr. 3. Vtce-Prestdeni ~; j. G, C; Colleg. Choir Since Leonell has been with us, she has proved to be a student of no mean ability. Yerwith her schedule. which would overwhelm the average-for she has done three years' work in two-eshe has not been a grind. Lee-ell is mo,e reserved and mature than many; she is clever and is quick m perceive cleverness in others. A humorous situa- tion or the pleasantness of someone else amuses her immensely. We prophesy a successful future for Leonell Whether it be the imparting of her knowledge to adele- scentS or the editing of books on 'The Futility of Learning French Phonetic Symbols." we are SUre {hat her per. severance ina field of absorbing interest will bring her out Forly
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