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EMILlE PORTER BROWN Home Ewnomics Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Westtown Boarding School Delta Sigma Kappa, Chaplain 2, Sure/ar!J 4; In/cr· Club Council ~; y, w. C. A. I. 2. 4; Hom. £ca,wmics Club 1.2, J. 4; In/ornalional Relations Club 4; Choir 4; W. A. A. 1.2,3. 4; Lelier"M:" Clas. Athlelics 1.2. 3. 4 "!'msorry. bUII don't gel the joke I" Isn'tthatEmiliefor youl She is always betraying a streak of the English inher nature by failing to see the point of a story until it is carefully explained to her. We think it's rather a con- tradictory trait. for Emilie is given to good analysis of herself and others. Along the same she can often put into five words It pointed remark which others would fail to make effective in twenty. And we frequently note that if there is something to be expressed which everyone else hesitates to put into words, Emilie will say it forthwith. belying her reputation for reserve also. Emilie often furnishes us with exhibits (class like her art-work) of pure "cutting_up," which have given us our most permanent impressions of her appeal.
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