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ELSIE MAY BOWEN BBI3 Biology-Physical Ed"colion-Molhoma/i'J- High S,hool Sci.",., Huntingtown. Maryland Huntingtown High School "Aloha" Sporl. Edi/or; Gold Bug Repar/or Z. 3; News Edt/or -I .. Y. W. C. A. I. Z. 3. -I; Phil~malhean Li/erory Socie/y I, 2. 3;}. G. C; W. A. A. I. 2. 3. 4; ClalS A/MeU" 1.2.3, -I; Lellor "M;" Manager oj Ht~ing -I; CollegePlayers 3.' down-town? Get me a pint of chocolate and mixed. please." All her class-mates recognize this familiar cry of Elsie's. She seems [0 have a peculiar need for precisely this mixture. perhaps to sustain her unusually intense intellectual labors. No doubt we could find Elsie turning to her work on biology Or to the study ora new part in a speech play while she is still sharing her favorite dish with the room-mate. Or maybe she aims to store up energy which she knows she will use in anyone of the Western Maryland Co-ed sports which happen to be in season. Elsie shows lip for every one of them in its turn. and has made a fine record for herself in this field Thirty_Two
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