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CLEONA ELIZABETH KEYS BRINSFIELD English-History-Fronch Vienna. Maryland Vienna High School Presidon! >. Clau ViGe-Pre~;deni 2. 3. ~; W. S. G. A .. House Vice-President 4; Y. W. C A.. Pmideni 4; Col/e~" Sunday School I. 2. 3, 4; BrouJning Literary Society. Treasurer 2. 3: Shakespeare Cluh 3. Secretary- Treasurer u Cerci. Francais f. 1, 3. ~; l. G_ Co' Normen! Winner 1; College Ployers 3, {. HOn{Jrabl. Men/ion l, 3. And a little child shall lead them! Dear old "Cleo"looks like a baby. with her round face and big brown eyes: but there is a remarkable store of energy packed in her little person. As Vice-President of the Class for lhree years. she has managed ~verything we've done. Y" programs, Student Government meetings, all kinds of committees and clubs. chapel programs. play practices-all leave her time to improve with each year her record as an honor student, and to stop ro ralk (she loves it). or to eat in the different rooms as she rushes through the dorm on business The rest of uScan only wonder how and when she does ir all. We love our laughing. talkative "Clecv-ceven when she has to chase us so she can lock up. Practice has given her tact. and a sympathetic heart tells her when we need just a few more minutes, (She's a regular little match· maker). ,Comeon, Cleo,"-"Let's say, 'Good-night: It's ten o'clock " TMrly_FQur
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