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MILLICENT DURYEA ALLEN WW BGB His/o,y-EnRlish-Biology Salisbury,Maryland Wicomico High School W. W., Sure/a'y 2. Vice-Pre.idenI4; Ttl f/,i"" 4; W.S.C.A., Secretary 2; Gold Bug. Repo,l., 2.3; Y.W.CA 1.4: Browni"g Liluary Soddy 1 2. Socrdary 3; Sha~e,peare Cluh 4; inlornalionai Rolo/lom Cluh 4; Episcopal Cluh Secre/o'y 3, President 4. She looks exactly as we thought the perfect lady should leek. Sophistication dignity. a neverĀ· failing sense of humor, a keen appreciation and under- standing of people-that's "Betty," The latest economic theories are child's play, and classical allusions hold no horrors for her. Yet "Berty" is not a grind. and one may see her dreamy eyes suddenly dance and sparkle as she gets a new. really brilliant idea. She has the happy faculty of writing perfecr papers at the last moment. Ever ready to add to the fun or to sympathize when necessary, "Betty" should be both successful and happy in her chosen work Twenty.Nine
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