Page 41 - YB1928
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WILLLAJ\I HAYMOND BA Y, .Ill. "Bill" A I' 'I' White Hall. Maryland Jarrellsvifle High School irving LilCrJry ,Society, President '28; AlphJ GJITIITIJ,Toll' Fr.nemiry. Chaplain '28 Inter-Collegiate Debating Council, Secretory '28; Gold BlLgSt,lfi '27: Aloha Staff '28; Freshman pootbaJi '15: CIHs I"ootball '25, '26: Varsiry Football '27, '28; Cbss Baskctblll '25, '26 '27, 28: Class SO(CH '26: Class BnsebJl1 '25, '26, '27: v, M, C. A,: Improvement Committee '26, byuigor UaUr1iS is won," ILL" is one of the outstand- . Bill" bragging about what he ing members of his class, can do, rather they see him doing He is not only an excellent it, He is always willing to help ~ student, but he is also a his friends out of any difficulty, prominent athlete, and to assist them in any emerg- "Bill" has the qualities which ency. His host of friends wish make him a real man. He is him the best of luck after he leaves generous, lively, unselfish, and his Alma Mater. modest, People do not hear