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P. 37
l\IAI{Y HI~LEN BAKER "Mal'Y" W. W. Union Bridge. Maryland Union Bridge School PhilomOlthe,n Litera,}' So.ciety: Sh,kespe"e Club: Y. W. C. A.: College Players : J. G. C. .. Behold Ihy friend. and of Ihyself Ihe pallern ~ee." URING the four years Helen good speech student. We know. has been on the Hill. she 1"00. that she says she is going to [l has won a host of friends be an old-maid school teacher. through the loving. true. Now we do not like to doubt her and noble spirit she has mani- word. but from the number of fested. letters she receives each week. all But this is not all. Helen is post-marked the same. we infer always [cady t~ make a good t!me that she may not long endure that possible. She is full of pep. ,IS J monotonous oblivion usually good sport. and is a sincere friend termed "school teaching." and a loyal "pal." Since we cannot predict the fu- We know Helen has been tak- ture. though. here's wishing Helen ing courses in education. and is a the greatest joy and success in life.
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