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MABEL ELIZABETH BARNES "l\label" (I' A :M Mt. Airy, Maryland Mmhemancs-s-Science MI. Airy High School J. G. c.. Y. W. C. A. '25 '26, '27. '28: C!.l&5Basketball '26, '27, '28: Y. W. C. A. Cabinet '26. '27. '28: 'l'A~l Vi(~-Presidenl '27; Sunday School: Science Club '27. '28, Vice- President '28: Powder Puffs '25, '26, '27. '28: C. C. A. Representative '28: Philomathean Literary Socicry : Assistant Manager of Handbook '26. '27: Hiking Club: lnter-Club Council '27, '28: Field Ball '28 President of \Vom~n's Student Government '28. HE life of every party-that on tbe Hill. the President of the is Mabel. For she is always Women's Student Government. ready with some witty re- And she has discharged her duties ~ mark drawn from her seem- as few others could. Her sym- ingly inexhaustible store of pathy and understanding have humor. won for her a spirit of co-opera- But cleverness and wit are not tion and loyalty among the girls. the only elements in her character. Mabel will be remembered as a Mabel is a capable little Miss, a girl of exceptional ability. We born leader, as is demonstrated by know that she will win the respect her schoolmates' confidence in her. and love of those she meets in She has been chosen to fill the most future life, just as she has on Col- important office held by any girl lege Hill. Th;;rtll-Jo~r
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