Page 240 - YB1928
P. 240
HE Staff of the "Aloha" feel keenly its indebtedness to those who have encouraged us in the undertaking or who have labored with us in the prosecution of the work. The enterprise' would have been impossible without the support and encouragement of Professor Her- bert Taylor Stephens. for his inspiring direction and his help in put- ting the work in proper shape for the printer. We also take this opportunity to express our appreciation of the hearty co-operation of Mr. J. Munro Henderson of the Dulnn y-Vern av Company in the production of our Annual. Then, too, the Canton Engraving Company. who furnished our engravings and to the Wilson Studio, the photographers for the' Aloha." OUT task is happily finished. We did the best we could. although we now realize wherein we could have improved our publication. We leave it among our schoolmates :IS a memory of the Class of 1928. Long \ViII we keep it among ourselves as a memento of our bappy school days at Western Hall. WILSON KING BARNES. ~'wo HUlIdrcd Thjrty_four
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