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P. 93
ROSALIE SMITH Latin-English Salisbury. Maryland I "R'UE'" i.S,one of the best all-round stu~ents in the Senior Class. One glance II1to her pretty brown eyes will tell you that she possesses a "sterling" character. Another glance over her list of accomplishments will reveal her ability to "trail" after both the serious and merry sides of life Rosalie's versatility enables her to laugh with the gay and weep with the sad. Not unly docs "" stand high in affairs, but she has added to her achievements dancing, singing, music, and dramatics. Of course, she is from the Eastern Shore - this clever petite damsel No other part of Maryland could have sent to the "Hill" a daughter so wi:ty, so vivacious, so lighthearted, so conscientious, so studious, and SO lovable. She entered whole-heartedly into. all the activities of college ,life- from dormitory pranks to Parlor's sweet nothillgs. Moreover ask the "profs" if "she don't know" Rosalie has many ambitions. continues to develop these as well as she has begun them in College, a and happy future is her lot. THE. eLcQHe 192.7 - ,
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