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MARGARET ELIZABETH SMITH "Srniuv' French-History Wesuninsrer , Maryland "An opell hand. an easy shoe. Alld a hope to make tile day go through." OME people attempt to furget the troubles of this world by seeking the S mountains' dizzy heights, some lose themselves in the torrid sands of Sahara, others strive to find solace in the whirl of amusement park, but Smitty uses the simple remedy, a ride in her Ford - her faithful jitney that has carried many a crowd to a victorious basketball or football game Smitty is a girl of varying moods but she never loses the one characteristic of fullhearred generosity. We who have been sufficiently fortunate to be her friends have shared many of her good times and jollifications. And when Smitty asks you to share her fun she gives freely and good naturedly. Her generosity is equaled only by her basketball agility Smitty in her Freshman year helped to put her class on the map by her skill in class basketball. In her Sophomore, Junior and Senior years she made varsity, and displayed splendid ability in game. Everyone likes to see her in a game for she moves so swiftly and right there with that old ball. Many times she has helped to bring victory to our "Alrnn Mater" If she plays the game of life with the same "srick-to-ir-ivencss" as she did on the team, then we feel sure her ambitions will be realized. 1
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