Page 89 - YB1927
P. 89
"A liol1 amol1g the ladie.1 is a 11105& dreadfld thing FTER spending a year at the University of Maryland Law School, "Ez" A decided to come to Western Maryland for it liberal education as a back- ground for further legal studies. During the four years here, he has won enviable distinction for himself as a reader, orator, and debater, and in the field of dramatics his achievements entitle him to be regarded as one of the outstanding collegiate actors in the State. Especially notable was his interpretation of Mordecai in a Biblical Drama, "Esther", in which he displayed a sincerity and power rarely seen on the amateur stage. "Ez" combines' the qualities of a good sport, a ladies' man, an intellectual, and it mystic, all in one person; and though he goes to Brahmanism for his philosophy, he is always seeking, like the Athenians of the first century A. D., "some new thing". "Ez" likes better than an argument, and with his ability to persuade bids fair to rise his chosen profession, the law. p"g~ ~igllty-five
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