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CARROLL ALVIN ROYER "Royer" n A A English Westminster, Maryland Westminster High School Elnabcthtown College I"ving Literary Society, President '27_ 'Freas- urer'26,lnter-SocietyOrator'26,lnter·Societv ~ Debater '26, Representative in Inter·Collegiate Prelim '26. '27: Black and White Club. Master GfOkfeB:~'OSt~ff,l~s:jSt~:trS~~Si~~~TIan;g6~r:i~: ~ Managing Editor "27: Inter·Collegiate Debate '26. '~7; President Inter.Collegiate Debating Coune,l '27: Shakespeare Club '27: College Players '26. '27; Jesters '26. '27: Inter-Collegiate Orator '27 "Witaze'cr he with so much ease, In him alone to please." C ARROLL came to us in his junior year from Elizabethtown College. In from tennis the short time ~e has been with us he has exc~lled in everything to oratory, HIS abilities fill the rest of us WIth amazement. He does more things at one time than anyone else, and he does each thing better than anyone else could possibly do it. In every phase of college ~ife he is an outstanding leader. In the fields of oratory, debating, and dramatics he has rarely met' his equal. On the tennis court he swings a wicket racket and has won many a match for Western Maryland, As president of Irving, he has inspired many along the path of literary achievement. As managing editor of the Gold Bug, he has shown us that he has the making of a truly great executive. Although for a time we thought that he lacked the "parlor" requisite, we can now safely call him an all round college man, for we have learned that though Elizabethtown gave us the man, someone there kept his heart. From Western Maryland, Carroll's next step-which will be easy for him_ is a Ph. D. After that, the heights he will reach we dare not even prophesy. All we say is, "Just watch Carroll"
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