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JOHN FREDER1CK WOODEN, JR. "Johnnie" n A A History Mt. Airy, Maryland Chestertown High School Wcbsrer Lirerary Society, President '27, ViceĀ· President '26, Treasurer '24, '25: Y. M. C. A.. Vice'Prcsidcn~ '27, Chairman Publicity Com- mittee '26, Pianist '24, 'H, Delegate to Eagles- n:'cre Inter-Collegiate Conference '26: Depura- non Team "24, -n, '26; Manager Opere,lta '26; AS,Slstant Manager Inte:,Colleglate Debating '27; SCIence Club; Firsr Lieutenant R_ O. T. C., Officers Club; W. A_ G Club; Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity. "The mirror of all courtesy" "J0J:lN.N.IE" has be~n a.ssociated with the ideals of Western Maryland since his infancy; coming from the dear old Eastern She' he determined to enter into every possible phase of college life, and gain all possible during his college career. Although John spends much time with his books he does not consider them the only worth while thing in college life. He always finds time for social activities and pleasure. Has taken an active part in Y. M. C. A. and Society (being Vice-President of Y. M. C. A., and President of Webster in his Senior year). His ability along military lines has awarded him a place on the Battalion Staff. In his four years on the "Hill" he has made great strides toward all around advancement. In his scholastic work he has ranked among the best at all times, and has natural ability that should carry him far in future years. As a last word "Johnnie" we wish you great success, our true and loyal friend.
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