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LEWIS KLAIR WOODWARD, JR. "lew" Prc-Medical Westminster, Maryland Western Maryland Preparatory 5dlOO\ Inter-Collegiate Debating Council, Assistant Business Manager '26, Business Manager '27; jesters, Assistant Business Manager '26, Business Manager '27; Varsity Tennis '2~, '26. '27; Cap' lain Tennis Team' 27. Manager Tennis Team '27; Class Basketball '26, '27; Class Baseball '24; Y. M. C. A.; Science Club '26, President '27, Assistant Business Manager Black and \Vhite Weekly '24; Business Manager Gold Bug '25, News Editor '26; Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity, ViceĀ·Beta '21, Beta '26; Irving Literary So- ciety, Critic '26, Secretary '26. Vice-President '27; Qratori,al Preliminary Contest '25; R. O. T. C .. Captain, Adjutant of Barallion '27, Com' pany "'AU Track Team '2i, '26; Officers Club '27 "When [ did well, I Ileard it never; When I did ill, I heard It ever" "LEW," entered W,estern Maryland, after spending ,three years in the Pre- paratory School, which was then on the hill. Upon his arrival he started domg many thmgs in extra-curricular work, which may be seen by the number of activities in which he participated. This is not the only thing he has accomplished, for in his Pre-Med. course he has shown that he can take his place with the best is a true and staunch friend; one who is always willing to help and has the best he knew how. This trait has won him a host of friends among students and faculty, who wish him as great a success in the field he leaving school as he has had at Western Maryland ,-,r-- -,- ~ ----, page On~ Inmaud eigln I THEeL~HeI92.7Ir~ H +--- ~ ~ ~\((,~~ --"----_j_----+fil
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