Page 70 - YB1926_Classical
P. 70
o CARROLL OUTTERA OERN ~ "Little Dem" n A A History ; I TA,\'EYTOWN, MATlYLANO I Un£vers-ity of West Virg-il1ia Irving Literary Society: Y. M. C. A ; Base- ball, '26. Not 100 sober, not 100 gay; But a good fellow -in every 7vay. ERN came to us in our Senior year opened from the University of West Virginia. He made quite a name for himself there last summer as a skiek and a baseball player. When he took up his abode at Western Maryland College, he continued his former practices. Dern is a happy-go-lucky chap who is already for a good time or a joke. He makes friends easily with his pleasing personality and pleasant smile, and so is a natural born business man. Carroll got a good start in business life by becoming the candy merchant" of Ward Hall, filling the sweet tooth of many a hungry boy last winter.
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