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JESSIE SLOAN FINKBINE "Jess" \\1. W. Home Economies ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND A nnapolis High Schoof. Philornathean Literary Society; J. C. c.. Phi Alpha Mu; Hiking Club, '25, '26; Y. 'vV. C. A, '25, '26, President, '26, Representative of Christian Associations of Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia; Class Basket-ball, '24, '25, '26: Student Government Board, '24. I As sweet and gentle as the month of May. I \\lEET? Jessie is that, but the English vocabulary is too inadequate to describe her properly. Her eyes tell so much more than mere words can express. They are big blue eyes, 50 honest that one knows instinctively that their owner could never be anything but loyal and sincere. Some words simply connote Jessie--thoughtful, quiet, un- selfish, and, above all, capable and dependable. You really don't know "Jess" until you've seen her ready to playa prank! Her eyes light up, the corners of her mouth turn up, and with a few "a hs" and mouse-like squeals, she is all set and rarin' to go! Most people think" Jess" is a demure angel, but it: does'r take long to discover the fun lurking within this little miss. Before" Jess" came to us, she got a great deal of her education from the Naval Academy. Strange to say, that education has never been completed; she is still continuing her course! Best of luck. "Jess." Let us see your two certificates-the one from Western Maryland College and the other from the Naval Academy!
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