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51\'IITH LEROY BYHAlVl "By" A [" l' c History (), . K_~NE, PENNSYLVANIA o Kane High. School All Eastern Tackle, '22; Maryland Best Bet, '23 (Baltimore American), All Mary- land Tackle, '24: Captain Varsity Football, '24; Varsity Basket-ball, '24; Varsity Base- ball, '24, '25; Assistant Baseball and Foot- ball Coach, '24, '25; Track, '22 (Allegany); Member of Phi Camma Delta Fraternity; Bachelors' Club, President, '24, '25, Chap- lain, '26. What.a whale of a difference just afew sense make-in a -nW1/.. Y" carne to us at the beginning of our Sophomore year, after having had varied training and experience at Bucknell University and Allegany College. The addition of Bybam 1:0our class and college was a boost of no small value. As a student and an athlete, particu- larly the latter, he stands for excellence. His selection by sport editors for the" All Time Western Maryland Football Team" is only a fail example of his ability. A three letter man, and a star in each sport, is" By's" contribution to Western Maryland's Sport History. But his achievements do not end with athletics. His ability as an organizer cannot be omitted. The Bachelors' Club owes its existance in a large measure to this young man, and as a member of this organization he stood above reproach. Above all Byham is a leader, possessing qualities for which he was respected by the student body at large. It is rumored, and it comes from a reliable source, that Byham is to coach next year, hnr we wonder if that is all that" will happen within the next few months. Anyhow, good luck to you, "By," whatever may be your task, for we know that you will succeed.
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