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IRA MOLAR DINKLE "Dink" Greek o Ii} BOLIVAR, \VEST VIRGII\'IA , , Harpers Ferry High School. Irving Literary Society; Delta Pi Alpha, President, '26; Lion Tamers Club: Biology Club: W. A. G's., '23, '24; Y. J. C. Club: Treasurer of Tri-State Union S. V. M.; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet: Pastor of Middleway, West Virginia. Perseoemnce conquers. INKLE comes from the beautiful country near Harper's Ferry, and is a true son of the out-of-doors. His specialty is Botany. Almost any afternoon one may find him roaming in the woods or around the country side hunting for some rare specimen of life. \!lie really believe that the flowers come up each Spring to say" Howdy" Ira is a young man of sterling character, true to his word and to his friends. His aim and ideal is to be a foreign missionary, and he is working toward that end. 'A'e feel sure that he will win, for his perseverance has shown itself in his college life. Whenever there is a group of young ladies sight-seeing over the country, you may be sure to find Dinkle at the head of it. He is versed in leading the ladies around. Keep it up, "Dink," Perseverance will win some day.
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