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FREDERICK NELSON BO\~IERS " Freddie" Greek LEWISTOWN, M.-\RYLA:-"D Frederick lligh. School Webster Literary Society. Vice-President, '26; Y. IVl. C. A .. First Vice-President, '25, '26; Secretary Delta Pi Alpha Club, '20; Associate Editor Monthly, '20; Y. M. C. A. Deputation Team; Y. rvT. C. A. Life Experiment Discussion Croup. None knew kim but to love kim, NOlie named him bitt to praise. 00 goods come ill small packages," so we said when" Freddie" arrived 011 the Hill. In the years we have known him he has con- clusively proved the statement. "Freddie" is an extremely likable whose ready wit bas won fOJ him many friends. His store of poetry at his tongue's end makes him a valuable man for any programme. As a reader he proved his value by winning the Norment Speech Prize in 1924. Fred came to the Hill to prepare for the ministry and has kept his vision intact. His and varied ability should make him a valuable man in this world we say, "Behold, a man in whom there is 110 guile."
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