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o ]VIARGARET ANNE BOWERS Margaret .JlfutliemaIics .lVIILUo\'GTON, MARYLc\Nl) Ckesternmm. High Sckoot Society; J. G. c.. Episcopal Club; Honorable Mention, '23, '24, '25. EHOLD! We have another member of that most fortunate of races, an Eastern Sho ' man. Margaret.'s loyalty to Western Maryland is only surpassed by her loyalty to the Sho ' This brilliant.Senior is one of those modern girls who is looking forward to a career. Engineering is the field to her, and, judging the future by the past, we are sure that she will the top of the Ladder of Success. The most intricate problems from arithmetic to topics in analysis hold no fears for her. When underclassmen had mathematical difficulties it was to Margaret they came, and help was always given them. Willingness to lend a helping hand is one of her strong points. Please do not imagine that Margaret is a cold, calculating person. Not at all! There is an artistic side to her nature, too. Music is her avocation, and has proved a worthy choice. When it comes to affairs of the heart, Margaret is about as communicative as an oyster. Rumor, however, whispers that she is doing some calculation along this line also. Here's to a good solution!
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