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JOHN EDWARD YINGLING History Westminster, Md. Westminster High School Irving Literary Society; Officers Club; First Lieutenant, Adjutant, '23; Captain, Adjutant, '24; Class Football, '20, '21. FFICERS front and centah, Mawch!!!" Anyone who frequents the Thursday afternoon parade has been amazed at the ease with which our Adjutant handles the battalion. John has taken to Military ever since the R. O. T. C. was instituted at the College, and the faithful performance of his duty has not been in vain. Although John has never gone out for any of the College sports, he is a great enthusiast over the major sports and follows them with the great- est of interest. Nevertheless, he thinks that the greatest out-of-door sport is automobiling. We would explain this at length, but here, as in an Es- sex Coach, space hampers us. John possesses a natural ability to grasp new subjects to the extent that, without undue exertion on his part, he is able to stand up well in his class. Hence, because of his adaptability, we predict for him success. Sixty-seven
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