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EDWARD ELLIS COLEMAN History Baltimore, Md. Webster Literary Society; Glee Club; Choir; Officers Club; Jesters, '21, '22, '23; Second Lieutenant R. O. T. C.; Class Foot ball, '20, '21; Cadet. J "Thy voice is a celestial melody." AZE upon this chap from the Monumental City. He is our "Sweet Singer of Israel," and he can justly be called thus for he is one member of the class of '24 who can boast of a wo~der- ful tenor voice. This distinctive feature has made him an important person in the Glee Club, the Jesters, and the college choir. Who can fail to remember the clear tenor notes pealing out to us from the chapel choir on Sunday evenings. Abe graduated from Western Maryland Prep. School and we found him waiting for us in the fall of 1920, ready to take up his studies with the class. Next year he expects to return to the Hill and take a course in the Seminary. A true Western Marylander getting all Western Maryland has from start to finish. In the classroom he was always ready to lead the class into an argu- ment which would require the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to settle if it were not automatically dropped. His specialty is history and political science, but we also find him particularly interested in Domestic Science. Thus we often found him lingering outside of the Tea Room or sitting 021 the cement bench going through gymnastics which only those who knew his code could understand and Do-ley them. He might also be called a Romeo, for on moonlight nights and those that weren't moonlight we would often find him singing under the balcony of McKinstry and later of Me- Daniel Hall. And did Juliet respond? Ask Coleman. Forty-three
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