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ARTHUR EMORY BENSON History Baltimore, Md. Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Webster Literary Society; Editor-in-Chief of Aloha, '24; Officers Club; Scabbard and Blade; Petitioner; Jesters, '21, '22, '23; 'Class Football, '20, '21; Class Baseball, '20. "Pains of love be sweeter far Than all the other pleasures are." HIS space is too small to even attempt to enumerate the many accomplishments of our Editor-in-Chief. Words fall short of showing the real praise due him from his classmates and the en- tire school for putting across the 1924 Aloha. As an Editor the Hill boasts no better. As a business man he stands second to none at Western Maryland. With these qualifications he proceeded to make the Aloha his outstanding work of the year. In the classroom Benny has won himself the place of running-mate with Dr. James. His masterful vocabulary and unbounded confidence make him an outstanding figure in his class. A deep thinker, well read, and an ideal student, he stands among the foremost in the class of '24. Especially strange for a lad of Western Maryland, he became a target for Cupid's darts and for three years he has been reporting to parlor every night for orders, wisely given and more wisely obeyed. It is needless to say Arthur is going to study Law. Can he make the grade? Well in about five years Baltimore City will be controlled by the Benson and Benson law firm. Thirty. eight
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