Page 47 - YB1924
P. 47
HARRY MOORE BRATT History Oxford, Md. Oxford High School Webster Literary Society; Student Gov- ernment, '23, '24; Captain Tennis Team, '24; Class Tennis Team, '21, '22, '23, '24; Varsity Tennis Team, '21, '22, '23, '24; Class Base- ball Team, '21, '22; Class Basketball, '20, '21; Bachelors Club; Derby Glub. "'Tis better to eat than to hunger, 'Tis better to love than to slumber." ) VER the fierce and raging waters of the Chesapeake sped one of those steamers in September, 1920, bound for its destination, Baltimore. Little did that ship know what treasure it was heaving to the Western Shore. Well, Harry stepped off the boat and looked all around. Finally he asked a police where Western Maryland College was. Being a kind policeman he gave him very definite directions and so Harry landed. His calm disposition is envied by his host of friends. In athletics Harry handles a wicked tennis racket, and has represented Western Mary- land on the courts in quite a number of matches. Especially strong has he proved himself in the class games and a number of times has brought vic- tory to the class of '24. He has taken a course in Parlor along with his other courses. Recently, however, we hear he has become too popular and was required to drop W. M. C. parlor. Anyway here's luck to you, Harry, and may the gods smile on your "Sonny" disposition. Thirty-ni'lte
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