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FRANCIS MASSEY CASTLE Political Science I "Nap" Brownsville, Md. Maryland State Normal School Irving Literary Society; Secretary Stu- dent Government, '23; Vice-President Stu- dent Government, '24; Monthly Staff, '24.; Aloha Staff; Manager Baseball, '24; Cor- responding Secretary Irving, '21; Recording Secretary Irving, '23; Sergeant-at-Arms Ir- ving, '24; Critic of Irving, '24; President of Irving, '24; Irving Prelims, '22, '23; Irving Contestant, '23; Vice-President W. A. G.'s, '24; Treasurer of W. A. G.'s, '23, '24; As- sociate Editor of Monthly; Honorable Men- tion, '22, '23; Class Football, '21; W. A. G.'s. 1 "A youth there was of quiet ways A visage of the olden days," ASTLE, born in the wild and wooly ruggedness of the Western hills of our fair state, is one of the most notable men on college hill. This denizen of Brownsville in Washington county began his career on the hill by promptly associating himself with the most illustrious character of the last century-Napoleon Bona- .parte. So exactly did Castle emulate the famous commander that ever since his advent in college, he has been known by the appropriate soubri- quet of "Nap", which is on occasion changed to "General". The name is appropriate, for if there ever was a carver of his own destiny, it is Castle. Quiet and undemonstrative he seems on first acquaintance, but when you know him better, you readily perceive this to be a mere pose; but so clever is he by reason of years of practice that you must know him well even to suspect his secret. Perhaps it is fate; perhaps it is his attractive personality that draws the fair ones to him; but, whatever the cause, the result is obvious to all who know him. His troubles lie in classification and selection; but he is a clever juggler and he gets away with it. / Forty
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