Page 69 - YB1923_Classical
P. 69
Major-c-llistory nrOll'nillg' G, .-\ A.: G. S. G.. \.; Y. w. C. A Vnd here comes little :llways so spick and a wrinkle, not a spot. you can. j IeI' nose is rlered and her hair is ";0. but it's her eyes. my are used to catch a beau. Remember her in Freshman days so reticent and shy? But 't was not long ere she began to cast. a wicked eye, alluring and attrncrmg, 'pon the men-folks she did see. Coer- ngeously she tackled first our for- mer Doctor C, from faculty to Seniors and down along the 'line. she vamped them all but only for ;1 few weeks at a time, And when she's gone the rounds up here, oh, then, what shall she do? \Vhy, 12.'0 hack hOI11(; 10 - -, her only real and true. And as for hooks, she'd most excel in Speech and J listory, but for a lack of confidence which i~ a mystery, considering her ability, and this is no duplicity. llur the thing that we like is her delicious cake and jam. werc alwnvs welcome to her rOO\11 'cept the night before exam. l'ugeSill"tt"S,,,"cn
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