Page 64 - YB1923_Classical
P. 64
"\1.\R\' l..OL·ISE :\5[['I'I)N \"UTTLE "Pet c . Shadow" Denton. Md. Vlajor-c-Home Economics F'hilomathean Entered from Denton High School, Denton, ]\[d President of G. S. C. A.; Hon- orary Member Honor lloard : J. G. C.: C. S. G.. -\.; S. S. S.; Y. \1-,1. C. A.; G. A. A. "Lei the soortd slide. Irt the It'orld .-\I1YOlle living on Senior llall is quite accustomed to hearing the jingle of keys, followed by a soft rapping' un the door and the follow- ing question ensuing: "Is Louise Xuttle in? '['ell her to come to my r00111 at once. please." Thus we can see how "Pete's" davs are filled with the cares and trihuhtion., of beillg President of the Girls' Student Government Association. Anyone seeing the care-free and irrespon si- 1)1e "Pete" of former years wou'd hardly believe it possible for her to change into the staid, dignified Senior that she is. She still indulges in her old habits. however. so YOII want to have a jolly just call on "Pete" for some wit and originnlitv. She has come to mean to those of us who know her best, all that is typical of good humor and cbeeriulness. al- though on several occasions she has been kl1oWI1 to lose her temper and then we did look out. It is 0\11 sincere that she overcome this fault "0 she will be able to re- strict the lise of the rolling pin when the time comes for it to be her chief instrument of defense. P~ge Si~l)··t"'"
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