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i\fd. i\ 1ajor-English Philomathean Entered from 'Thurmont I-ligh School. 'l'hnrmont. Md. President of Y. W. C. A.: G. S. G. A. Board '22; Vice-President Frederick County Club '23: Assist- aut Business Manager Aloha: Sec- retary Sunday School '22: Honor- able Mention ':20, '2[, '22; Philo Preliminary Contest '21. '22; Alter- for Society Contest '22: G. S. Y. w. C. A.: Frederick Club; S. S. S.; C. A. A.; "Zealous, modest: innocent Iholl(j/! Paliellt t oil: sC/'elle ali/ids! a/arms: Illfle.rible in fait/l: illviliCible in anus." Considering the fact that "Effie" i.~President of the Y. \V. C. r\. one might suppose her to be quite a saint but when it comes to good times Effie's right there. nut ser-iously speaking. she has been a very successful Y. \V. Presi- dent this year. having made the social activities connected with the work especially interesting. Mac abo ha~ the characteristics of leadership. the qualities of a good student, and the promise of a useful and St1C- ccssful life. We can say. though. that if asking questions has any- tiling to do with her progress in later vears she will certaiĀ»lv be a whiz. -for she is continually -a:;king the whys and wherefores of things Her hohbv is to meditate upon pro- found philosophical subjects that would puzzle the brain of a sage. l'"geS"venly
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