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Vlajcr-c-l-l.istor y Webster Entered from Atlantic City High School. Atlantic City N. J. Pr csideur \Veb,;(er: Pres. Y. :'1'1 C. /\.; Chairman Honor Board; !\.~~t. Illl~ines5:,\lanager :'\·Ionthly '22: Associate Editor Monthly '23; Associate Editor Aloha: Sec. Stu- dent Government '22; Vice-Pres Y. M. C. _A. '22: Librarian Sunclav School '22; Class Poet; Vice-Pre;. Cla~:-; '23; Cheer Lead~r '22; \V cb- ster Critic '22: Publicity Chairman Sunday School '23; Member Stu- dent Government '23; Lieut. R. O. T. c.; Glee Club '21 ; Jesters '22, '23; Officer~' Cillb; Choral Cluh '21, '22, '23; Theological Ass'»: Republican CI11b '20, '21; Society Prelim '20, '21, '22; Society C011- test '2 I ; Society Debate Alternate '20; Society Debate '21; Elocution Contest '20; Inter-Collegiate Con- test Prelim '22; Inter-Collegiate Contest Alternate '22; Choir; Class Football. '21. \'0 better way of . Chat-lie's" popularity Ciln than the 111'0 lines just above. he cannot do or will not has not yet been found. was not long in finding his way to il~~~-l~~lt;~~jltI~iIa~/I~le~!h~:'t:;li~l~~a\~~ ~o he. has \~on his "special diploma" 111 thiS subject a great while before the rest of us. Who in the Senior Class clces l10t know who writes the most themes at college. conducts more discussions and prcse~lts greater schemes than this genius from that great Atlantic Ocean re- sort? With all these things and Maryed life to help, "Charlie" should be a huge success. I'''I;~ Sj~!y-si"
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