Page 61 - YB1923_Classical
P. 61
Cll.IJ(RT D,\VID ?I'L\R'I'IN "-Cib-" Manchester. Mel. 1!ajor-Chemistry Irving Entered from Westminster High School. \Ve~tmin5ter. Md. Honorable Xlenrion "21: Fr-esh- and Sophomore Elocntiou Offit:er~' Club; Lieut. R. O. "The best of lIIe is di!i_qe!lce." Cib is one of fell pleted camp in weeks. i~ a scientific student and proves it does not take it large body to have an active brain. Although a town student. Martin has made himself conspicuous on the hill by heing in elocution contests in his Freshman and Sophomore years and by dis- tinguj~hing himself in Irving. I-Ie and Stonesifer are always Seen to- gether. and II'C have a suspicion that they will both enter life together 1 f silence is golden, Oib be worth a million. I le is one the ;:~~:ie~yk~~1~;~' \~~~~x~~\~~~\~lls~:~;;ll;.il~~ at an unexpected time. Chemistrv is his hobby, and we hope to see hi1'l' some day pacing the hall of fame with Avogadro. Go to it, Gib, and take our best wishes with yOll p"~" [·';fl)··nin~
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