Page 72 - YB1910_Classical
P. 72
From his old-time role of a heart-breaker he has become a woman hater and now returns, unopened, all violet-scented envelopes. The general appearance of his home shows that a woman is needed in his life, but apparently no one has yet been able to convince him of this f/lct. However, if you could peep into his study about 12o'clock at night you would sec him take out of a secret drawer the photograph of a little girl, kiss it reverently and return it to its hiding place. Per- haps that iswhy he is so popular as a physician, because he drowns hisownsorrows in tryiug to forgetthe sufferings ofothers. "You may be sure that the \Vright man chooses the right calling. All through his collegedays, Charles Perry Wright spent a greater part of his time in drawing pictures. He submitted various specimens to his class-mates for their approval and they were always favorably received. ·Wereyou to visit any of the prominent art galleries, here or abroad, you would find many impressive pictures from the skilful brush of C. P. All the members of the class are exceedingly proud of his success in the fieldof art and point to his workas that of a western Maryland man whenever an opportunity offers." The fairy ceased speaking bub 1 still remuined quiet with my eyes dosed. At last I opened them to find not only that my little friend was gone but else that J was sitting in my favorite rustic seat in the garden. The volume on "Athletics for Girls" had fallen totheground, but I did not immediately pick it up, for I was too much engrossed in the stories I had just heard and I could not but wonder how many of them were true. 68
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