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powers were always in evidence at college. Sometimes we feel certain that he will shine as one of the greatest orators of the day. "If Mr. Darley \Viii .only come down for a reasonable length of time, I will attempt to portray him along with the rest of his classmates," the fairy went on. "If he had continued to do what apparently seemed his greatest delight at college, you would say that he is tramping throughout the country with his surveying instruments, but such is not the case. Instead he has turned out to be a professor. Were you to enter the scientific department of the University of Virginia, you would be very much surprised to see your classmate. He seems to be very much wrapped up in his work, and is apparently making a great success of it. After leaving W. M. C., Mr. Darley entered Princeton, and later was appointed a professor in the University of Virginia, where he is now one of the most important members of the faculty. "After leaving college Chauncey Day attended the Seminary. He remained there for two years, but soon found out that the ministry was not his calling. He, therefore, decided to tum his attention to something more profitable, in the money-making line. You will recall that he was always broke when at college. The mystery of his dreaminess in his Senior year can probably be explained by the fact that he was always busily engaged in building air castles concerning Steele. He now has a monopoly over the Steel Trust in the city of Pittsburg. Chauncey was always a bright boy, ex- cept. where jokes were concerned. Even to this day when [I, clever remark is made in his presence, he will turn around, scratch his head, anel say, 'Is that a joke?' and probably laugh the next week. The pride of Chauncey's heart was always his lumdwriting, but this has so throughly changed since his college days, that no one would dare accuse him of writing so much like a that he would get his dates mixed." In a few minutes the "Probably you would like to heal' about G. M. Engler. 'Rosy' was one of your scientific boys, and graduating he took up the sarne line of work in one of our large colleges. Before long he published a book entitled 'A Pedal Steering Attachment for Automobiles', which was universally accepted as one of the best ever written on that subject. The colleges all over the country began to use this in their courses, and your class- mate became one of the most famous scientists of the day. Some people would have stopped and settled down to ease and comfort for the rest of their lives, but not so with 'Rosy.' He worked 011, harder if it were possible, and you need not be surprised if you hear of some of the most intricate scientific problems of the day, along this same line, being solved by him. "On leaving college it was Tom Englar's desire to study law. He went to the university, studied very hard, and graduated well up in his class. That same year he was admitted to the Maryland Bur. From this time on he made rapid strides in the profession, and is looked upon as one of the most distinguished and capable lawyers of the present day. 63
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