Page 70 - YB1910_Classical
P. 70
you knew in college days, spending her time and strength trying to win bel' sisters' 'Rights.' Whether she will succeed or not remains to be seen. "Out in the small country town of Y- stands a quaint little church. Were you to visit this on Sunday you would find it filled with people all very much interested in the pastor's discourse. This is no other than Augustus Ledford. He graduated from W.1f. C. in 1910 and the following year entered the Seminary. Since his graduation Irom that insti- cutten he hua been preaching. He has held several appointments and is making a success of his chosen calling. His suc- cess may be attributed in a measure to the fact that he bas never married. You will remember that at college he attendod strictly to business and did not seem to be at all susceptible to the charms of the opposite sex. 1 suppose that disposition of mind and heart which he manifested at college has remained during the years which have elapsed since his graduation." The fairy heaved a sigh and continued. "Back into the town of Westminster we must go to find Russell Lewis, the mar-led mall of the class. Photography was his especial hobby during his college days and time has served to increase his talents in this direction. He is now the leading photographer in Westminster and always to the sign hanging in front of his store which reads "Nopieturee guaranteed to be an improvement on the original.' " When thinking of what the future had in store for the '10 boys I had always pictured .Early Mosel' as a school teacher, and so was not surprised when the read: '
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