Page 77 - YB1910_Classical
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History For three years now we have been in college as a class and for three years we have done what we could to make our Alma l\fater glad of that fact. We sincerely hope that ill the years to come she will look back with pleasant memories upon the days when the Class of 191J worked, played, nud worried the august Faculty. Quite a number of us graduated together at the Prep School; and since then each year has seen the addition to our ranks of those whom we are proud to cal! classmates. But each year we have met with losses, too, so that now we number only forty-three in both departments. It has always been tho aim of om class in all its duties as a class to equal or excel those that have gone before. In our Freshman year we were fortunate enough to have it better place to set off OUI' fireworks than any preceding class, and consequently they were more appreciated. Our Sophomore entertainment stands out as the first one presenting it play written by a member of the class. At this time the Junior Banquet gives promise of being the "greatest of them all.' In athletics, we shnll sur-ely be remembered. During each of the three years of cur history we have furnished three or four men for the 'varsity football team and an equal number for baseball. 'Ve have already had a football and a base- ball captain from our class and now there is the best chance that another of our number will bo rewarded in like manner in baseball. We have been represented on the relay team' since our Freshman year. Our basketball team has always been good but has never been able to win the much coveted championship. In our Freshman year we were tied for second place, in our Soph year we defeated the crack '09 team and were tied for first. Owing to several losses from Uw team this winter our rank is third. We had quite a time in satisfactorily seWing our class organiaat.ion but finally succeeded, and now there is only the smoothest sailing for the administration. Our girls have always accorded us the heartiest support in both the class and college athletics. While never win- ning the championship they have both years made a good showing. In elocution and scholarship they have also made an enviable reputation. At times we have caused much loss of sleep to the Faculty members, and it is not all over yet because we have another year. After our course is completed, however, we feel quite sure that, the Faculty as well as the students of W. M. C. will have in their hearts it feeling of good-will towards the Class of Hlil. And here it. may not be amiss to add n word of congratulation and the good wishes of the Class of 1911 fOI"the Class of 1910. 73
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