Page 175 - YB1910_Classical
P. 175
Etymology Bennett-Dutch ancestor "Haas," after his death was called "Haas Been It"becauseofhisprominence. "Been It" has contracted into Bennett. This distinguishing trait of prominence is extinct at present. Cover-Formerly pronounced cov-er, consequently the cover, the top, froth, and the derived and generally accepted meaning, inanity. Darley-So-caHed from a Park of much Popularity near Baltimore. Day-So-called because once long ago a fay of daylight broke in upon the brain of ODe of his ancestors. The phe- nomenon is unknown in the present generation. Englar-Eng (meaning a meadow or plain) + lur, contraction of liar, hence a plain liar. Gerringer-Formerly gearing + er, one who gears, hence a hostler, meaning a good trot in classical languages. Gill-Formerly Guile. Not a misnomer. Ledford-Contmction of Lead + forward, hence one led forward, a convert, it minister. Lewis-Descended from ancestor named "Lew." One day it neighbor said '(Lew is a fool." From that time he was called "Lew is" with the rest understood. Heredity perfect. Moser-A direct interlinear descendant of Moses. Phelps-Origin indeterminate, because coordinates unknown. Smith-An unusual name. Ancestor was called Blacksmith from his trade, but the 15th Amendment abolished the color line, so the distinguishing prefix was dropped. Thompson-Son of Tom---evidently referring to Tom Thumb of nursery fame. Tipton-Contraction of "tip tongue" referring to an impediment of speech" Can't say soft soap to save his soul." wheelton=So-called from the weight of wheels necessary to raise him from his bed to be on time at breakfast. Wiley-Usually spelt "wily" hence a trickster, a joker. Wright-A misnomer, as this young mall is often left and oftener wrong. 17l
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