Page 75 - YB1907
P. 75
THOSE GIRLS. (ANONYMOUS) First of aJ! I will try to tell Some-characteristics of Hattye Bell, She is a neat and charming girl, Who has caused the wisest heads to whirl. Doctors, Brownies, Teachers, fell Captive to the charming belle. Among the Seniors she is known As little Miss Bell Telephone. Tt would be hard to find a class That couldn't afford one dreamy lass. Her name, in full, is Carrie Mae, She sleeps and dreams her time away, She has the dreamiest eyes of blue, That have captivated hearts so true. With boys she seems so very shy. Yet always has them on the sly. We also have one studious mate Among our numbers. She pours o'er books from morn to late. And scarcely slumbers. At class, she's ever in her place With auswera ready. Her replies are right in every case, Her tones, unsteady. 71
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