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THE PEN-MAR TRIP. N the morning of September 22.,1905 II r:nelTY party of Seniors left College and took the morning tram bound for Pen-Mar. [Q] Dr. and Mrs. Tiffany and MIss Lease acted as chaperones, and right jolly ones they were too, for they have not yet attained unto those years when "grown up" people seem to fOl'get the days when they also were young and frivolous and intensely fond oigood times. As the train was already crowded the "smoker" was opened for benefit of the party and the young ladies enjoyed II usually for- bidden privilege. We arrived at Pen-Mar Park just in time to 'W(tleh the last of the morning dances in the pavillion and to get "fixed up" for din- ner. We were then escorted to the hotel where an excellent dinner was served. We all did it ample justice too, fOl' all conventionali- ties were entirely forgotten, and uf'ter the long but pleasant car ride, everyone possessed a good, healthy appetite. The meal over we started again for the pavillion where we were privileged to view several more of the dances, but alas! the pleasure of participation was denied us, and in order to avoid further temptation we left there, and the boys suggested a drive. Of course, the girls were always ready for something new, and three large phaetons were soon on the way to Buena Vista Hotel. Such jogging and bumping along over the rough mountain road one never saw before, but what cared we! FOI' in spite of the fact that the sun was hidden beneath the clouds, the sunshine and delight pictured in those young faces, and the merry bursts of laughter and song quite made that day the brightest of all days. It would be useless to attempt a description of the beautiful scenery in the mag-niftcient Blue Ridge Mountains, which quite excels even the glories of Westminster as seen from College tower. Returning from our lengthy drive we were glad to jump out of the carriages and shake ourselves again. Some of the prettiest among the girls ventured to have their tin-types taken. After which we walked about the park, ate candy, drank lemonade, purchased souvenir canes, or indulged in some childish amusements on the grounds, and later visited the picturesque little Glen Afton Springs. It seemed however, that these pleasure-loving people could never be still for a moment, and it was ~oon agreed that we should 69
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