Page 78 - YB1907
P. 78
The stately Lily fair Is a songster rich and rare. From her throat such notes do gush The songs of nightingale or thrush Cannot compare. Johnnies are her favorite flowers She hunts them in woodland bowers. And as she wanders up and down You neveraee her face to frown, Always a sunny Jim. Sallie our Senior Mother! Where could we find another Friend as kind as brother In all our hemisphere? The one of all our number Whom fate did e'er encumber With cares and anxious slumber Throughout each college year. But she is happy, cheerful, You never see her tearful. Of love for Kitty she's near full Her friend so ver.;' dear. Perhaps 'twould take some greater bard To sing our Kitten's praise. Howe'er it should not be so hard To find some points for lays. Among our Gil'ls Kitty is known Asa man-hater indeed. Perhaps there's one at home neal' grown Who claims the right to plead. Kitty can stand before a crowd And elocute so well You'd think she was a graduate proud Of Boston school so swell. 74
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