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J. G. C. QFF'ICERS. HIS AWf"UL MAJESTy-LoRD 'TERRIBLE 'TERROR. LORD WH1T8-FACE SPECTRE. HIS SATANIC SrOOKOS1TY. CHARON AND ATTENDING DEMONS. HE only secret society of which the College boasts is J. G. C., the Senior girl's hobby. Hearing of it as soon as you [] enter, it becomes at once something to be dreaded an.d some- thing to be looked forward to, Only two meetings bemg held during a yea)', the whole school becomes, on those occasions, infused with subdued excitement and interest. The victims to be initiated, have all sorts of "creeps;" they can settle to nothing, but huddled together, they can only repeat in faltering accents-"J. G. C.," "J. G. C." Despite all outward attempts at indifference, each finds herself more nervous with each progressing minute. The fatal moment comes-she hears the clanging of chains, the groans of former victims, the roll of thunder, and, in a voice more dread than the growl of Cerberus, her name is slowly pronounced. She ascends into the darkness, and suddenly disappears into II fathom- less abyss, from which few e'er return to relate of its mysteries and tortures. "A sadder and a wiser girl she woke the morrow morn." 68
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